Monday, November 28, 2011

Otis Moss

My experience at the Otis Moss Jr Health Center in the Fairfax community has really been insightful. I came into contact with my interesting and exciting patients. I can remember my last of clinicals there being crazy busy.I was able to interact with many teenagers and provide STD teaching to them. I really enjoyed this because they were all able to respond to me and they felt comfortable speaking with me. The children at the clinic as well were all so adorable. The nurses and doctors their are all very helpful because they allow you to actually provide patient care. So i felt very confident in my skills. The public health nurse is always so busy coming up with new outreach programs. I really enjoyed the Diabetes Forum we did with Merck & Co. It was fun coming up with different ways to keep patients excited and engaged. We had really great folders to give to him with all kinds of healthy recipes. It just felt good to be apart of a change and to work with a big company like Merck.
I really enjoyed the free lunches from the pharmaceutical companies that we often got too :) . The medical assistants I loved because they were so helpful. They taught me how to draw blood and do assessments. I was really cool and they were so friendly.

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