Monday, October 18, 2010

Traditional Chinese Medicine in Wuhan, China

Over the past month Maura and I have been observing and learning some techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM takes an approach to health and well being that is very different from Western medicine. TCM is stemmed from the philosophy that disease is a result of an imbalance of the body. So the treatment therapies are designed to correct the imbalance and return the patient back to a general state of well being. Even the diagnosis process varies greatly from the assessments that we have grown accustomed to performing. While I was shadowing in the clinic I got the opportunity to have a well respected TCM doctor to assess and diagnose me, which consisted of feeling my pulse and observing my tongue. He then asked me if I was feeling well. Actually, I had currently been suffering from nasal congestion and upper respiratory symptoms. He proceded to tell me that the center of my tongue was more yellow than normal, and that I had a heavy pulse. Based on these symptoms he diagnosed me and told me to drink more water and sleep more. Afterwards I found out the assessment process contained four steps: 1. Look at the patient's skin, tongue, and their overall appearance; 2. Ask the patient questions and listen to their voice; 3. Smell the patient; 4. Feel the patient's pulse. Through doing these four steps a TCM doctor can assess, diagnose, and suggest a treatment plan.

Additionally, we have gotten to observe various TCM treatment techniques such as massage therapy, acupuncture, and cupping. One treatment plan that is completely different yet relevant to Western society is one for weight loss. This treatment uses a natural fiber that is often utilized as dissolvable sutures in Western medicine. The doctor inserts the fiber into the subcutaneous space in the abdomen and bilateral lower extremities using a needle. The treatment plan starts by inserting six fibers and then is adjusted as necessary. After the fibers are inserted into the body, natural defenses are activated, and the body attacks the foreign substance. As a result the patient's metabolism is boosted, which leads to weight loss. The nurse at the clinic told us that the biggest success story was a person who lost eighty kilograms after five treatments! This success story is one of many that occur at the clinic. Through interviewing many patients it has been revealed that most, if not all, patients report satisfaction with their TCM treatment plan.

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