I attended my second health fair on the Gila River Indian reservation yesterday. Many individuals look at this population and see an overweight community, who eat fried foods with lots of rice and beans and have the highest prevalence of diabetes in the nation. They see a community of alcoholics who only work in casinos. They believe that this community is lazy, especially regarding their health care. After spending just a month here I see something much different. I see a community that is predisposed to issues with weight, including diabetes. They were a community of hunter-gatherers that ate all summer and fasted in the winter. A heritage that altered their metabolism and didn’t transpose well into today’s world. I see a community working hard to overcome their health issues. Alcohol is banned on the reservation. Health fairs are held almost every month. Heath fairs run by community members attempting to make a difference. The health fair yesterday was unbelievable. The entire time a baseball tournament was going on. A friendly game organized by community members that promoted being active. There was a BBQ that consisted of hamburgers, hotdogs, vegetable pasta, and fresh fruit (pineapple, grapes, and honey melon). To drink there was water, unsweetened tea, and fruit punch. Booths promoting health awareness were set up around the parameter. There were inflatable toys for kids to run through. Teenagers were playing basketball and volleyball. There was even a dance competition. Almost everybody was active. Community members were genuinely interested in the information handed out at the booths. This all day event disproved almost all of the stereotypes that are commonly associated with Native Americans. I’m not denying the issues previously mentioned. I just think it’s important to give credit to this population. After spending just a month here it is obvious to me that this community is working to better itself each and every day. I cannot wait to see what else I can learn about this community the rest of my time here.
*Written July 10th, 2011. Posted late due to issues accessing the blog. *
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