Sunday, October 23, 2011

CMSD Schools

My experience in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District as a participant in the Prentiss Grant has given me a look into poverty in an urban area. The study is done over five years and the end goal is to track obesity rates and follow the kids throughout their years at the schools; kindergartners till fourth grade, and third graders till seventh grade. We are responsible for collecting the data for kindergartners and third graders in all CMSD elementary schools. There is a lot of behind the scenes work for prepping the schools that I wasn't aware of last year when working for the grant in community clinical. The day before we go to screen the schools we have to do a pre-visit of every school to meet the staff, see where we are going to set up our equipment and find out where the classrooms are to make it a smooth screening day. Also, all of the data on the iPads need to be loaded on and off the computer into specific files which we prep the day before. The students are fun to work with and always have questions about what we're doing. The kindergartners love to hold your hand and really look up to you. Our goal is to complete all schools by the end of this semester, so until next time we hope that will be able to achieve that!

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