Our first week was filled with many new experiences and HEAT (the temperature here is consistently around 108*F). We arrived last Sunday and quickly unpacked, so that we could settle in and rest before our first week.
The first couple of days were filled with orientation items. We got a tour of the hospital and the districts that we would be visiting. One of the things that stuck out at us was how big the community is; to get from Sacaton (District 3) to Komatke (District 6) it takes about 30-45 mintues! We were delighted to feel so welcome by everyone in the hospital, not only staff, but community members too!
On Thursday, the hospital had food and art vendors to celebrate Native American Day. Students from the private school in the community performed some native dances. Delissa and I tried a local dish called fry bread with beans and cheese. It was very tasty, but very high in calories. Olivia and Briana did some shopping with the vendors. They got some very beautiful items.
This past weekend was dedicated to exploring the surrounding cities of Chandler, Gilbert, and Tempe. On Friday night, we went to Rawhide which is an "old western town" next to one of the casinos on the reservation. Chandler and Gilbert are cities that we go to for internet access (usually at one of the public libraries) or for groceries. On Saturday night, we ventured to Tempe to eat dinner at a Greek restaurant. Even though we are 2,000 miles from home, there were places in Tempe that reminded us of home like Jimmy Johns and Five Guys Burgers and Fries.
This coming week we will spend the whole week doing our assignments. Delissa and I are with the public health nurses making home visits. Olivia and Briana are in the schools helping out with screenings. This coming Friday, we were invited to join the public health nurses and team to celebrate their accomplishments of receiving regional and national awards. We will be celebrating at a restaurant in Tempe called Monti's. On Saturday, we are hoping to help out at the Diabetes Walk that is taking place on the reservation. Diabetes is a HUGE issue here in the community and we are thinking about making it our focus for our capstone project. After this week, we are hoping to have a better sense of what our project will be, especially after completing a community assignment and windshield survey.
You all are off to a great start. As you begin to know the community and agency a bit better you will find a true partnership emerging. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids in that heat and I look forward to future posts.